Meditations with Meister Eckhart
What good is it to me
If this eternal birth of the divine Son
Takes place unceasingly
But does not take place
Within myself?
what good is it to me
If Mary is full of grace
And if I am not also full of grace?
What good is it to me
For the Creator to give birth to his/her Son
If I do not also give birth to him
In my time
and my culture?
This, then,
is the fullness of time:
When the Son of God
is begotten
In me.
We are all meant
To be mothers of God.
God does not ask anything else of you except
That you let yourself go
And let God
Be God
In you.
Every single creature is full of God
And is a book about God.
To grasp God in all things,
That is the sign