Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Reflection for February 25, 2009


I rise early
sit long over coffee and poems
savor every sip
every morsel and metaphor
while it lasts
for I know it will not.

I value each day now
each hour
each book or poem
each encounter
each moment with this love
with this
and this.

A stack of prunings
grows in the back yard
awaits a summer to dry
an autumn to cure
before it becomes
the blaze that warms
next year's winter dawn
and burns itself to ash.

           _Donna Hardy 2009

Be ahead of all parting, as though it already were
behind you, like the winter that has just gone by.
For among these winters there is one so endlessly winter
that only by wintering through it will your heart survive.

           _Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus, II, 13.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Reflection for February 18, 2009

"Surely you, too, have fallen under the spell...Suddenly there it is in silhouette-
a single, noble winter tree, black against the pale sky.  You stop because you must.
You fix it on your eyes so that it cannot get away. What is so compelling here? 
What catches you and holds you in this common sight?  
There is a magnificent, creative loneliness in it -the way it stands isolated in the wide reaches of the fields, darkly melancholy. 
There is struggle in the twisted, writhing branches, as if growth and survival have not been easily come by. 
There is strength in the way it has been exposed mercilessly to the storms, with no barn or house to break the blast.  Yet it has endured, taking on dignity with the visitations of frost, snow, and ice.  
There is acceptance in its open display of imperfection...
Most of all, perhaps, there is honesty in the starkness of the winter tree. 
Stripped of all pretense and embellishment, nothing is there but the tree's truth.
Before the eyes of all it lives the way it is - nothing more. 
In its utter, exposed openness it is a kind of prayer."                  

Mary Jean Irion,  Yes, World 

A tree is a lens, a viewfinder, a window. I wait below for a message of what is yet to come.

Rochelle Mass, "Waiting for a Message" 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Reflection for February 11, 2009

The place I want to get back to
(by Mary Oliver in Thirst, 2006)

is where
   in the pinewoods
      in the moments between the darkness

and first light
   two deer
      came walking
         down the hill
            and when they saw me

they said to each other, okay,
   this one is okay
      let's see who she is
         and why she is sitting

on the ground, like that,
   so quiet, as if
      asleep, or in a dream,
         but anyway, harmless;

and so they came
   on their slender legs
      and gazed upon me
         not unlike the way

I got out to the dunes and look
   and look and look
      into the faces of the flowers;
         and then one of them leaned forward

and muzzled my hand and what can my life
   bring to me that could exceed
      that brief moment?
         For twenty years

I have gone every day to the same woods.
   not waiting, exactly, just lingering.
      Such gifts, bestowed, can't be repeated

If you want to talk about this
   come to visit. I live in the house
      near the corner, which I have named

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reflection for February 4, 2009

How wonderful, O Lord, are the works of Your hands!
The heavens declare Your glory,
The arch of the sky displays Your handiwork
In Your love You have given us the power
To behold the beauty of Your world
Robed in all it's splendor:
The sun and the stars, the valleys and the hills,
The rivers and the lakes all disclose Your presence.
The roaring breakers of the sea tell of Your awesome might;
The beasts of the field and the birds of the air 
Bespeak your wondrous will.
In Your goodness You have made us able to hear
The music of the world. The voices of loved ones 
Reveal to us that You are in our midst.
A divine voice sings through all creation.
Jewish Prayer