Luke 17:21 “The kingdom of God is among you.”
“On All Saints’ Day, it is not just the saints of the church that we should remember inour prayers, but all the foolish ones and wise ones, the shy ones and the overbearing ones, the broken ones and whole ones, the despots and tosspots and crackpots of our lives who, one way or another, have been our particular fathers and mothers and saints, and whom we loved without knowing we loved them and by whom we were helped to whatever little we may have, or ever hope to have, of some kind of seedy sainthood of our own.”
The Sacred Journey by Frederick Buechner
“…no encounter with a being or a thing in the course of our life lacks a hidden significance…If we think only in terms of momentary purposes, without developing a genuine relationship to the beings and things in whose life we ought to take part, as they in ours, then we shall ourselves be debarred from true fulfilled existence.”
The Way of Man by Martin Buber
Music : Johannes Brahms, Ein deutsches Requiem (op.45),
IV - Wie lieblich sind Deine Wohnugen
Renee Fleming, Sacred Songs, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Mark O’Connor / Violin,
#16 Amazing Grace