Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reflection for March 25, 2009

 To experience peace does not mean
 that your life is always blissful.
 It means that you are capable 
 of tapping into a blissful state 
 of mind amidst the normal chaos 
 of a hectic life. I realize that 
for many of us, the distance 
between our thinking mind and our compassionate heart 
sometimes feels miles apart. 
Some of us traverse this distance on command.
Others of us are so committed to our hopelessness, anger, and misery 
that the mere concept of a peaceful heart feels foreign and unsafe... 
The feeling of peace is something 
that happens in the present moment.
It is not something that we bring with us from the past or
project into the future. Step one to experiencing inner peace 
is the willingness to be present in the right here, right now...
The first thing I do to experience my inner peace is
to remember that I am a part of a greater structure - 
an eternal flow of energy and molecules  
from which I cannot be separated. Knowing that I am 
a part of the cosmic flow makes me innately safe and experience 
my life as heaven on earth.

-Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D

My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey