Friday, September 12, 2008

Reflections for September 10, 2008

It Felt Love

Did the rose
Ever open its heart

And give to this world
All its

It felt the encouragement of light
Against its

We all remain

The Suburbs

Is only possible

While living in the suburbs
Of God.

Hafiz, The Gift, translated by Daniel Ladinsky

Living in the Now

There is nothing you can ever do or attain that will get you closer to salvation than it is at this moment. This may be hard to grasp for a mind accustomed to thinking that everything worthwhile is in the future. Nor can anything that you ever did or that was done to you in the past prevent you from saying yes to what is
and taking your attention deeply into the Now. You cannot do this in the future. You do it now or not at all.

Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now